

Saturday 18 November 2017

Thirty-third Sunday

Today we move another week closer to end of the Liturgical Year, and each liturgical year brings us closer to the end of our own personal faith journey . This has been Year A, of the three-year cycle in which the main gospel source has been Matthew.

Last week we began chapter 23, the last chapter before the passion narrative of Matthew begins. Matthew concludes Jesus teachings with two parables – last week the parable of the Ten Virgins, and today the Master’s Slaves and the Talents. The lesson taught in this chapter is clear, the time is now – prepare for the Day of Accounting when we must all stand before the Lord.

So next Sunday the liturgical year ends with the glorious feast of Christ the King. In its gospel, Jesus reveals how the standard to be used for the accounting of our life is to be measured by the Works of Mercy. As we listen to Jesus speak to us, the lesson Jesus gives is clear – don’t be a fool – time is precious and short – use it wisely.

Next Sunday’s gospel gives us a picture of that Day of Accounting:
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, <> I was thirsty and you gave me drink, <> a stranger and you welcomed me, <> naked and you clothed me, <> ill and you cared for me, <> in prison and you visited me”.
From this text the Church has derive the Corporal Works of Mercy and with these we are most familiar. But to these has be added the Spiritual Works of Mercy, also seven in number, compiled from Jesus teaching found throughout the gospels. They are no less important:
To counsel the doubtful <> instruct the ignorant <> admonish the sinner<> comfort the afflicted <> forgive offences willingly <> bear wrongs patiently <> pray for the living and the dead.
In Matthew’s account of the corporal works, we see how people are surprised by how they are judged asking: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?” It is even more surprising when we are held up to the standard of the Spiritual Works.

Our Holy Father, in Misericordiae Vultus, the Vatican document which announced the Year of Mercy, had this to say:
“We will be asked if we have helped others to escape the doubt that causes them to fall into despair and which is often a source of loneliness; if we have helped to overcome the ignorance in which millions of people live, especially children deprived of the necessary means to free them from the bonds of poverty; if we have been close to the lonely and afflicted; if we have forgiven those who have offended us and have rejected all forms of anger and hate that lead to violence; if we have had the kind of patience shown by God, who is so patient with us; and if we have commended our brothers and sisters to the Lord in prayer. In each of these “little ones,” Christ himself is present.
The Holy Father ends with: “Let us not forget the words of St. John of the Cross: ‘As we prepare to leave this life, we will be judged on the basis of love,’ on how concretely we showed love to others — both those in need spiritually and those with physical needs”.

The time is NOW, the time is measured, let us determine to use wisely each moment that remains for us.
But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness,
for that day to overtake you like a thief.
For all of you are children of the light
and children of the day.
We are not of the night or of darkness.
Therefore, let us not sleep as the rest do,
but let us stay alert and sober. 1Thes. 5:


Lord, Father of all, you have brought us to the dawn 
of one more day,
make us live with Christ and praise your glory.
Lord, hear us.

You have poured out faith, hope and love upon us,
keep them firmly rooted in our hearts.
Lord, hear us.

Lord, let our eyes be always raised up to you,
so that we may swiftly answer your call.
Lord, hear us.

Protect us from the snares and enticements of evil,
keep our feet from stumbling.
Lord, hear us.

All-powerful and ever-living God,
splendor of true light, and never-ending day:
let the radiance of your coming
banish from our minds
the darkness of sin.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, 
your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
— Amen.


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