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The Nightwatchman's Christmas - William Kurelek |
Mk 13:33-37
Jesus said to his disciples: "Be watchful! Be alert! You
do not know when the time will come. It is like a man traveling abroad. He
leaves home and places his servants in charge, each with his own work, and
orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch. Watch, therefore; you do not know
when the Lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight,
or at cockcrow, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly and find you
sleeping. What I say to you, I say to all: 'Watch!'"
Two millennia
have now passed, the Second Coming is taking longer than expected. But remember
Peter’s warning give in 2 Pt 2:3 “Above all, you must understand that in the
last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They
will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? But do not forget this one
thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand
years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some
understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to
perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
My days are
much fewer and each day brings me closer. Each new Advent reminds us of this. But there
is a real presence now – each new day brings a new opportunity to encounter Christ. To
which group do you belong, those bored waiting, lost in trivial pursuits, or
those who begin each day fully prepared to meet the Lord in unexpected
places, in unexpected ways?
Lord, you promised
to remain with us always. Yet, I live and act as though you are distant and remote,
hidden and unapproachable. You have become not a person but an idea, a
theology, a subject for debate; something I bring to mind from time to time. Lord,
since you are here help me find you. Show me where to look for you; in
everyday places, among the people I meet, in that last place I would think to
But Mary of Magdala stayed outside the tomb weeping …
and saw two angels in white sitting there … “Woman, why are you
weeping?” … “They have taken my Lord, and I don’t know where they laid him.”… She thought it was the gardener and said
to him, “Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, … Jesus
said to … [ you, insert your name ]
Jo. 20:11
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