The Upper Room: Those who experienced the first
Baptism of the Holy Spirit were gathered together in the Upper Room. Because we
want this occasion to be unique and special, choosing a place where you can be
undisturbed and focused, where you can freely respond and express yourself is
In His Presence: No one can do this for themselves,
only the Lord can send the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised, “where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among
them." You may be praying with others or praying alone. If you are
praying alone, I suggest you call upon Mary to gather with you, to make it “two”.
Above all be certain, as the Lord promised, you are now in his presence. Below
are some additional prayers you may wish to use.
He Opened the
Scriptures to Them: Recall
those beautiful words proclaimed by the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, “Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way
and opened the scriptures to us?” It is best to
come to this moment with a text(s) you have chosen. Perhaps it is a text you consider
as one that has inspired you to seek this Grace of Renewal. Included
below are other texts you might consider. Additional prayers are listed below.
Seek and You Will Find
… how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask
him?” Lk
11:13: “If
you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it
will be done for you.” Jo. 15:7.
Realize that you are asking for something that will profoundly change your
life. As St. Paul acclaimed, “… yet I
live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh,
I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.
Gal. 2:20. Below is a prayer of petition, with
which to pray for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The Manifestation of
the Holy Spirit: How
will I know? The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is also known as The Grace of Renewal. Firstly, it
creates in us a relationship, person to person, with the Lord. Secondly, it is
an awaking, a coming alive in a life of faith, either for the first time, or as
a rebirth. It is meant to be an experience, something discernable. Firstly it
is a gift of a person, the Lord giving us himself in a new dynamic, personal
relationship. From this flow the charisms, the gifts of the Spirit, and the
fruits of the Spirit. These are chosen by the Spirit and entrusted to us. They
are meant to equip us for service in the Kingdom.
are five texts in Acts where the actual moment of the Baptism of the Holy
Spirit is described happening.
1. The day of Pentecost with
the disciples in the upper room. (Acts 2:1)
2. The baptism of the
Ethiopian by Philip and the Samaritans receiving the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:)
3. The conversion of St Paul.
(Acts 9:1)
4. The Gentile Pentecost and
the baptism of Cornelius and family. (Acts 10:1)
5. The baptism of the
disciples of John the Baptist. (Acts 19:1)
my Lord, I confess to you and to all the world my need for your presence in my
life. I am alone and in darkness without you. I am influenced and controlled by
the many forces that surround me. Even though I struggle against them, it is
sin that so easily dominates my life. Who can save me but you alone, my Lord
and my God. Deliver me from the Evil One. Touch my life with that power which
flows from your resurrection. Cause your Holy Spirit to be born in me anew. Prince
of Peace and Lord of Glory reign now in my heart. Baptize me with your Holy
Spirit and Fire. Raise me up to a New Life in you.
Holy Mary Mother of
God, on Pentecost Day you gathered all the friends of Jesus in that meeting
room of prayer. Jesus had instructed that all must come together in prayer, to
wait in trusting hope for the Promised One to come. In the mystery of God’s grace,
let us gather with you now. We desire with all our hearts that the Anointing of
Pentecost may come upon us once again. Pray for us dear Mary, that the Mighty
Wind of God’s Breath will come and fill our house of prayer. Pray that Jesus
your Son will send down upon us now, those tongues of flame, to enkindle in our
hearts the fire of love and the light of faith . Pray that our tongues be freed
so that we might fill this house with the praises of God. Pray O Queen of
heaven, that the Holy Spirit will give to our hearts a song of joy and
thanksgiving for His mighty works now done in our midst. Come Holy Spirit,
come. Come down upon us now. Melt our frozen hearts, reshape our distorted
minds, and renew our sagging spirits with your Breath of Life.
St. Thomas I now cry out, “my Lord and my God!” Yet like St. Thomas I have
doubted you and questioned my faith in you. I too have been scandalized by the
world, troubled by my problems, confused by my sufferings or those of others. I
was tested and found wanting. Even though I vowed as did St. Peter, “Lord, I
will never deny you”, Satan has sifted me like sand through his fingers and I
fell away. In my thoughts and in my words I said, “I do not know the man.” In
my actions I denied my faith before everyone. While I was denying you, you were
suffering and dying for my sins. You broke Satan’s hold over me by your passion
and cross; you won forgiveness for my sins. What mercy you have shown by
entering into my death and bring me back to life again. Now heal me as you
healed St. Peter on the shores of Tiberias Sea. Ask me now, as you asked St.
Peter, “do you love me?” Yes Lord. You know everything; you know that I love
To each individual the
manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.
To one is given through the Spirit
the expression of wisdom;
to another the expression of knowledge
according to the same Spirit;
to another faith by the same
to another gifts of healing by the
one Spirit;
to another mighty deeds;
to another prophecy;
to another discernment of spirits;
to another varieties of tongues;
to another interpretation of tongues.
But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them
individually to each person as he wishes.
The Fruits of the
Spirit are: Charity, generosity, joy, gentleness, peace, faithfulness, patience,
modesty, kindness, self-control, goodness, chastity.
Voices is a resource for personal prayer and devotion from a Catholic perspective - especially for those beginning the practice of meditative prayer.

Prayer For Baptism of the Holy Spirit
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