Voices is a resource for personal prayer and devotion from a Catholic perspective - especially for those beginning the practice of meditative prayer.
But that was to change when on the feast of St. Jerome (Sept. 30, 1943), Pope Pius
XII issued his encyclical entitled “The Most Opportune Way to Promote Biblical
Studies,” Divino Afflante Spiritu (literally, “Inspired by the Divine Spirit”). Catholic biblical scholars were given direction on how to engage in what was known as the "historical-critical method" of scriptural investigation. New translations of the bible into contemporary vernacular languages were made and Catholics were encouraged to read and study the bible.
Here is a link to and article that appeared in America Magazine, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Pope Pius' encyclical. [... LINK ...]
This is a fundamental question that emerges among Catholics
today. The following is a response that is a the heart of the Church’s teaching
on the Liturgy.
Office of Readings
= Sunday Week Three
From the
constitution on the sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council
Christ is
present to his Church
Christ is always present to his Church, especially in the
actions of the liturgy. He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, in the
person of the minister (it is the same Christ who formerly offered himself on
the cross that now offers by the ministry of priests) and most of all under the
Eucharistic species. He is present in the sacraments by his power, in such a
way that when someone baptizes, Christ himself baptizes. He is present in his
word, for it is he himself who speaks when the holy Scriptures are read in the
Church. Finally, he is present when the Church prays and sings, for he himself
promised: Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in their
Indeed, in this great work which gives perfect glory to
God and brings holiness to men. Christ is always joining in partnership with
himself his beloved Bride, the Church, which calls upon its Lord and through
him gives worship to the eternal Father.
It is therefore right to see the liturgy as an exercise
of the priestly office of Jesus Christ, in which through signs addressed to the
senses man’s sanctification is signified and, in a way proper to each of these
signs, made effective, and in which public worship is celebrated in its
fullness by the mystical body of Jesus Christ, that is, by the head and by his
Accordingly, every liturgical celebration, as an activity
of Christ the priest and of his body, which is the Church, is a sacred action
of a preeminent kind. No other action of the Church equals its title to power
or its degree of effectiveness.
In the liturgy on earth we are given a foretaste and
share in the liturgy of heaven, celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem, the
goal of our pilgrimage, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, as
minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle. With the whole company of
heaven we sing a hymn of praise to the Lord; as we reverence the memory of the
saints, we hope to have some part with them, and to share in their fellowship;
we wait for the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, until he, who is our life,
appears, and we appear with him in glory.
By an apostolic tradition taking its origin from the very
day of Christ’s resurrection, the Church celebrates the paschal mystery every
eighth day, the day that is rightly called the Lord’s day. On Sunday the
Christian faithful ought to gather together, so that by listening to the word
of God and sharing in the Eucharist they may recall the passion, death and
resurrection of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God who has given them a new
birth with a lively hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead. The Lord’s day is therefore the first and greatest festival, one to be
set before the loving devotion of the faithful and impressed upon it, so that
it may be also a day of joy and of freedom from work. Other celebrations must
not take precedence over it, unless they are truly of the greatest importance,
since it is the foundation and the kernel of the whole liturgical year.
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" Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord." |
We read: “Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, and the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him.” Another translation reads it: “At that time Samuel was not familiar with the LORD, because the LORD had not revealed anything to him as yet.”
“… did not yet KNOW the Lord, … not yet been REVEALED to
him.” Knowing about someone or some thing is not the same as knowing them
The response the elder Eli makes, has some interesting
insight for today’s elders concerned for their younger one’s faith – an
approach that might help us. To be concerned for the state of our young
people’s faith is a valid one and must never be written off. The obstacles to
the development of a practical faith by young people today are enormous and
complex. It is vital for the elder generation to be there for the younger
generations to be there with guidance and encouragement as was Eli for Samuel.
Now we must not think that we are more concerned for the
faith of our young generations than is the Lord. God is calling, to be sure, and
I believe God has a plan for this generation and the next, already working. It took
a couple of wakeup calls before Eli was able to recognise that God had a plan
for Samuel, and what his role was to be. Just so for us elders today. How does
God want us to cooperate in his plan for our young generation?
Here are some suggests
Do not judge them or condemn their lack of
religious practice – rather be discerning – think of Eli’s affectionate tone
when he said: “It was not I calling you my son …” Let your concern be seen as
· Realize that God is already working within them,
speaking to their hearts, preparing them.
Be models of a living faith which demonstrates the
reality of a living faith in a positive light.
Look for the signs, the openings that they may
give you, and encourage them to keep seeking.
Tell them to go directly to God, in the midst of
the confusing values surrounding them and trying to influence them today.
Pray for them without ceasing. Dedicate them to their Mother Mary.
During the time young Samuel was minister to the LORD
under Eli, a revelation of the LORD was uncommon and vision
One day Eli was asleep in his usual place.
His eyes had lately grown so weak that he could not see.
The lamp of God was not yet extinguished, and Samuel was sleeping in the temple of the LORD where the ark of God was.
The LORD called to Samuel, who answered, "Here I
"I did not call you," Eli said. "Go back
to sleep."
So he went back to sleep.
Again the LORD called Samuel, who rose and went to Eli.
"Here I am," he said. "You called
But Eli answered, "I did not call you, my son. Go
back to sleep."
At that time Samuel was not familiar with the LORD,
because the LORD had not revealed anything to him as yet.
The LORD called Samuel again, for the third time.
Getting up and going to Eli, he said, "Here I am.
You called me."
Then Eli understood that the LORD was calling the youth.
So Eli said to Samuel, "Go to sleep, and if you are
called, reply,
'Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.'"
When Samuel went to sleep in his place,
the LORD came and revealed his presence,
calling out as before, "Samuel, Samuel!"
1 Sm 3:1-10.
This text is today's First Reading, and it has a special meaning for this blog page. VOICES began under the inspiration of this passage of scripture. VOICES is all about prayer, and supporting those who wish to make prayer a major part of their lives.
One might be inclined to think of prayer as getting the right words together to address to God. Actually, prayer starts with learning to listen to the words God is speaking to us. Samuel is about to learn how to pray, and his mentor and teacher, Eli, starts him off with lesson no. 1 - listening.
We might not expect to receive an audible locution from God, but to take up the Sacred Scripture in prayer and listen to its words speak to us, is near the same. VOICES has directed its efforts on learning to pray the scriptures; first on the scripture found in the Sacred Liturgy, then as taught by the Church's great masters of prayer.
There is a very worrisome trend developing today in the matter of religion and spirituality. This trend wants to separate spirituality from religion, and take it down an independent path; often adding voices that are not of the Lord, the consequence of which will cause serious harm to those seeking to learn to prayer.
It was in God's sanctuary that Samuel learns to listen in prayer for God's Voice. It is in the sanctuary of the Church that VOICES seeks to do the same.
Bishop Robert Barron focused on this trend to separate religion and spirituality in a recent homily he gave. Here is the [ . . . LINK . . . ]