

Sunday 1 May 2016

Pentecost + Baptism in the Holy Spirit + Grace of Renewal

Throughout these days that began with Easter, the liturgy of the Word has taken us on a journey through the Acts of the Apostles, recounting how the coming of the Holy Spirit transformed the lives of those who were the first Church. From being known as Jesus Disciples to Followers of the Way, to Christians, their new identity unfolded.

It is important for us to realize, that our baptism unites us to this dynamic history. Today, we are the continuation of that same Church, the work of the Holy Spirit in this generation.

That work of the Holy Spirit today is essentially the same as it was on that first Pentecost - breathing New Life (supernatural life of the Spirit) into each new member; uniting us to Christ and to the Communion of Saints. The manifestation of this reality also remains essentially the same, the same gifts and fruits of the Spirit continue to be given, equipping us for our participation in the work of the Spirit in the world today.

On October 16, 1979, Pope John Paul II gave the Church an extraordinary document, the APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION, ON CATECHESIS IN OUR TIME. In paragraph #19, Pope John Paul lays out the distinction between "initiation" into the Faith, that is personal belief and "attachment" to the Person of Jesus, and catechesis which is the ongoing formation and maturing in the message of the gospel. 
Again, many pre-adolescents and adolescents who have been baptized and been given a systematic catechesis and the sacraments still remain hesitant for a long time about committing their whole lives to Jesus Christ - if, moreover, they do not attempt to avoid religious education in the name of their freedom. Finally, even adults are not safe from temptations to doubt or to abandon their faith, especially as a result of their unbelieving surroundings. This means that "catechesis" must often concern itself not only with nourishing and teaching the faith, but also with arousing it unceasingly with the help of grace, with opening the heart, with converting, and with preparing total adherence to Jesus Christ on the part of those who are still on the threshold of faith. This concern will in part decide the tone, the language and the method of catechesis. #19
How well this applies to our generation. The expression, "... as long as you are a good person ..." is not the same as a "devout" Catholic. 

The Easter cycle is drawing to its end. It has been a time to rediscover a strong and true faith in the person, Jesus Christ, to have the gift of faith, given in baptism, born anew in the fire of the Holy Spirit; to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.


Resourses for your personal prayer

  • Novena to the Holy Spirit. (Begins this year, Friday May 6th. [...LINK...] 
  • Guide to praying for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Grace of Renewal. [... LINK ...]

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