

Saturday 23 March 2024

Holy Week - 2024

 We enter now the most important time in our liturgical year. Each moment, each event that now unfolds is of critical importance. Our hope of salvation is now in the hands of two combatants, Jesus and Satan.

One might ask the question, what are they fighting over? The answer is they are in mortal struggle for your soul. This suggests that you were there. Hidden in the mystery of time and eternity is the fact that throughout the passion and on the day of the Cross you were there in the mind and heart of Jesus. By the vicious cruelty of the cross Satan is trying to rip you out the hands of Jesus so he can destroy you in hell.

But how can this be since these events took place over two thousand years age? In the spiritual world this is understood as the mystery of time and eternity, which is so wonderfully explained in Psalm 139. (Your eyes saw my unformed body; all my days were written in Your book and ordained for me before one of them came to be. vs. 16)

You were there on the cross with Jesus. From each cruel and vicious blow that struct Jesus you were protected  by the body of Jesus covering you, standing in for you. Satan's last weapon, death, also failed, defeated by the glorious resurrection of Jesus, and you rising with him. This mystery is realized in the flesh on the day of your baptism. . . 


There is a suggested meditation list beginning with Holy Week Monday. 

Mon # 1

Tue # 2

Wed # 3

Thu # 4

Fri # 5

Sat # 6

Sun # 7

Mon # 8

Tue # 9

Wed # 10

Thu # 11

Fri # 12

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