

Saturday 27 July 2024

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year - 2024

A Meditation

Don’t’ you often wish that the Lord would perform some mighty signs like this miracle in today’s gospel; a sign to shake things up, to cause people to finally wake up and believe again? But, there is a problem with miraculous signs. People easily become attached to the miracle and miss the purpose behind the miracle.

This is exactly what we see happening in today’s gospel. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the prophets and prophesies, he is the true High priest, he is the King of the kingdom of God. But the people see a prophet for Israel only, a priest for the temple of Jerusalem only, and a king to rule over Israel only – all of which is only a shadow of why he has come. So Jesus must hide from them and their mistaken identity about him.

Yet, the miracle still goes on – in plain sight – all-be-it in a hidden way so as not to be misunderstood. And we here today gathered around this altar, are going to witness this hidden miracle take place before our very eyes. So how does this miracle appear to us today, how does it resemble the miracle in today’s gospel?

For example, where is the small boy with the five loaves and two fish? When I was a young boy in school, sister would teach us about the Mass by having us perform all the parts of the Mass in the classroom. I was chosen to play the part of the priest. Little did I know at the time that that is exactly what God had planned for my life. So here is your small boy. [myself]

Now if you cut up five loaves into host size pieces you could easily fill several ciboria, with lots of hosts left over. You bring these breads to the small boy, (a little older now) and he – I – bring them to Jesus, here on the altar. And the greatest miracle of all miracles takes place, through the words of Jesus, before our very eyes. And we all shall come and be fed and filled beyond all satisfaction.

But wait, this miracle here cannot be seen visibly like the one in today’s gospel? Let me take you to a small inn in the village of Emmaus “… and their eyes were opened, and they saw Jesus with them in the Breaking of the Bread.” Lk. 24:35
The miracle is visible to those with the eyes of faith.

We have an even greater miracle then the multiplication of the loaves – here in our churches today. What we need is the same thing that the people in today’s gospel needed – the eyes of faith to see and the grace of understanding to believe. Pray for these graces to be given us and to all who gather in our churches today.

Oh, and about the two fish …? Among the earliest Christian communities, the fish was a symbol placed over the doors of places where Christians, true believers, gathered. We are to be that sign today.

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