Voices is a resource for personal prayer and devotion from a Catholic perspective - especially for those beginning the practice of meditative prayer.

Saturday, 29 December 2018
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Christmas - 2018
Saturday, 22 December 2018
Advent - 2018 - Week Four
This generation takes great pride in its individuality,
sometimes called the “Me” generation. It’s my life, I decide for myself what is
truth what’s best for me, what morals will guide me etc.
This past week, in our gospel readings, we explored the
lives of Mary & Joseph and events leading up to birth of Jesus. I doubt
that they would ever think like the “Me” generation – but they were making
plans for a life together. Joseph as a carpenter, Mary as wife, caring for the
family home.
Little did they know that Another was making plans for their lives, plans they could never have imagined. It’s Matthew & Luke who give us the details of these events and how they unfolded. Because of the extraordinary nature of these plans it was necessary for God to send his angel to announce them.
And so now we take these stories up once again to
meditate and explore the wonder that they are. But, might we, in our
meditation, entertain the question – does God have special plans for life? We
do talk about vocations – vocation to the priesthood & religious life –
vocations to marriage and family life. But within these vocations we’ve chosen
might the Lord have further plans for our lives; to be a special caregiver to
some in need, to join with others in special projects such as charities
addressing contemporary needs, evangelization work, social justice action
projects, working in projects directed to today’s youth, being a visitor, a shopper,
a contact to the isolated.
Many of the classic Christmas stories describe people
being awaken to new vocations, expanded vocations, to bring the presence of
Christ to the world. And age is no obstacle to new vocation from God. Remember
Zechariah, when told he was to be the father of great prophet John, “… said to the angel, “How shall I know this?
For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.”
Let us realize, that these days are not just meant to be a reason for exchanging sentimental images on Christmas cards. They are meant to be real, for us, to accept Christ and new way that our lives will be called to serve Him. |
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Advent - 2018 - Week Three
The Third Sunday of Advent is
transitionally referred to as “Gaudete Sunday”. The name comes from the first
word spoken in the liturgy for this day, in the Entrance Antiphon: (Gaudete in Latin): Rejoice in the Lord
always: again, I say rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.
There is a similar theme that
recurs in Lent, in the fourth Sunday of Lent, traditionally called “Laetare
Sunday” again taken from the first word of the entrance antiphon: (Laetare in Latin) Rejoice, O Jerusalem: and come together all
you that love her: rejoice with joy, you that have been in sorrow: that you may
exult, and be filled from the breasts of your consolation.
The first words of the third
Sunday of Advent are the words of St. Paul found in the fourth chapter of the
Letter to the Philippians, vs. 4-5.
So why Gaudete, why Rejoice?
The answer begins in the First Reading, with the words of the prophet
Israel has been conquered and
its people have been living in exile for many years. But now the prophets are telling
the people that soon their exile will come to an end, and they will be
returning to their homeland. They believed that God was punishing them for
their sins by letting their enemies conquer and enslave them. But now, what is
this they hear?
Believers of every generation, at various times, have found their
hearts and hope shattered; believing they have been abandoned by God, left
alone with no hope. So, the Church returns each year in Advent, to address this
ancient problem, the Problem of Evil,
to gather all who are wounded, to hear once again these words of truth and
healing and restoration: “Rejoice, the
Lord is near”!
You will notice that all the serious Christmas
stories that we read all have this same theme running through them. In the
darkest night, when all seems lost, hope is restored.
Now the true spirit of Advent
has a penitential character to it,
where we examine our lives to root out our own causes for our downfalls and
miseries. Then, the candle of the Advent Wreath, lighted on this day, the Third
Sunday of Advent, rose colored, with the name “Joy”, raises up our spirits at
the prospect of the new coming of mercy
into our lives.
In many ways, our popular
culture, with its commercializing of Christmas has interfered with the real
spirit of Advent with its rich and beautiful spirituality.
So where does this Gaudete
Sunday find you? Are you one who is carrying heavy burdens – be they burdens
brought on by your own faults and failures, or has human frailty and the faults
of others beset you? If so, the grace offered on this Sunday is meant for
The Grace of Gaudete Sunday is
the grace of a clear sense of Presence. I am not alone, the Lord is here, with
me now. The Lord comes bearing gifts, the gift is the gift of Hope. What ever
the details of my deliverance are to be, will be revealed in the days to come.
But first, a broken heart must be healed and given the eyes of hopefulness with
which to see - to begin to see how the Lord's plan is to unfold. For me, now,
it is to turn my face eastward, to look forward in hope for His coming.
Hear again these words of the
The Lord, your God, is in your
midst, . . . he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his
Saturday, 8 December 2018
Advent - 2018 - Week Two
Repeat Series for Advent Based On the Lectio Divina Approach to Prayer
| ||
William Kurelek
The Welcome at the
Country Mission |
William Kurelek
The Presentation to the Children
A Boathouse Man's Excuse
. .
Sunday, 2 December 2018
Advent - 2018 - Week One
Last Advent I posted a series of meditations based on the Lectio Divina method of prayer. I am including these again this Advent. The graphics used in these posts are of the paintings by William Kurelek found in his book, Northern Nativity. |
Repeat Series for Advent Based On the Lectio Divina Approach to Prayer
William Kurelek
The Nightwatchman's Christmas
William Kurelek
A Farm Family's Adoration
William Kurelek
The Holy Family as Indian
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